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Working together
Trimpact workshops & backstopping
Integrated and Sustainable Development Planning
To restore the Earth, we need coherent planning by local parties with a multi-disciplinary view while considering the potential consequences of the required actions.
Alignment & Synergy towards Triple Impact
Especially now, our acts have to yield results. As is frequently said, 'We have to do this together.' How to do that is the domain of Alignment & Synergy.
Workshops & Backstopping
Bringing people together inspires them to contribute from their experience and grow wiser about how to Restore the Planet much faster and more efficiently.
'We believe that collaboration is, in its essence, the key to development.
Of course, it takes courage to show the weak part of yourself, a project, or an organisation, but another can support you in overcoming that. Consequently, a winning team emerges that will create an impact more significant than one can attain alone.'
Directors of Trimpact

It is time to think and act in Alignment and SynergyChanging the world starts with youAlone you can go fast, but together you reach further

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Changing How we work together
Working in the complex and multi-disciplinary domains of planning & execution, research, and humanitarian & development aid is often challenging because, to obtain impact, one depends to a large extent on other stakeholders. Even when technical and financial partners have collaboration meetings in the capitals, the reality is often different, with good intentions not always evident at the execution levels of communes and villages far away from that capital.
For example, it is our experience, before creating Trimpact, that we did not know who was working in the same area. When we found out, it was too late to start a collaboration. Consequently, two projects carried out almost the same baseline in the same area with the associated doubling of efforts and waste of funds that could have been spent otherwise to get an impact in that area.

Trimpact in brief
Trimpact is a social enterprise based in the Netherlands and works mainly for and in Sub-Saharan African countries. Our mission is to increase triple impact through the alignment and synergy of stakeholders focused on restoring the Earth in all its aspects. Triple impact refers to People, Planet, and Prosperity, and stakeholders include the various state and non-state actors, the populace included.
Trimpact offers services based on four guiding principles to co-create with stakeholders a restored Earth and a better life. Based on our experiences over several decades, projects need always to consider the local populace and make them part and parcel of the development process. After all, they are the target group in all projects. Creating alignment and synergy is getting momentum when actors can excel in their competencies and use their experiences and lessons learnt. This process may also initiate changes in organisations' current roles and responsibilities, also known as organisational innovation. This innovation will also contribute to more effective working together and, consequently, will further boost the combined impact of their activities.
Trimpact reinstates the local actors through workshops and provides backstopping and coaching in the transition period.
Secondly, we provide a cloud-based alignment and synergy-enhancing tool (DevSAT®) that captures development, research and humanitarian aid projects and interactions with enterprises. It shows the lessons learned and how projects contribute to realising integrated and sustainable development plans.


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Intrinsic motivation
People can change. Inspired people realigned to their intrinsic motivation are vital in pursuing the shared vision of restoring the Earth in all its aspects.
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Reinstate the planet Earth
There is a plan for the restoration of planet
Earth in all its aspects that will help
the planet and humanity to return to
its original potential.
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Alignment & Synergy

A&S of stakeholders supports the more effective and efficient restoration of the Earth. Following the inventory, one can identify how existing projects could work better together and where the gaps in implementing the ISDP exist.
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Integrated and Sustainable Development Planning (ISDP)
This approach provides the beacons for future collaboration, whereby the vision of all stakeholders translates into a doable plan allowing for interdisciplinary complementarity towards common goals and creating a lasting impact.
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© 2015 - 2025 Trimpact B.V.   Bringing value to life
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