Vision, mission, strategy - Trimpact

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About us
The social entrepreneur Niek van Duivenbooden (PhD from Wageningen University) co-created the consultancy firm Trimpact B.V. as a social enterprise officially in September 2015 in the Netherlands. His intrinsic motivation since youth is restoring the Earth in all its aspects. That led to an exciting career in agricultural development in various African countries, and personal and organisational development in the Netherlands and some African countries since 1984. He obtained his PhD in 1995 with a thesis on integrated multi-scale land use planning based on applied research within various development projects in several African countries. He then continued to work for, and in Africa and began to co-create Alignment & Synergy. Trimpact, therefore, aims at creating with local parties towards Triple Impact (People, Planet, Prosperity) in Sub-Saharan African countries.
Meeting in Burundi
Vision of Trimpact
The development towards the restoration of the Earth in all its aspects and a new balance can only be sustainable if it includes the participation of all stakeholders based on integrated and sustainable development plans (including mitigation actions when necessary).
Alignment and Synergy of state and non-state actors (i.e. their plans, and therefore, their efforts) can boost the combined triple-impact (People, Planet, Prosperity) of their activities. Creating happiness is another crucial component because happy people can excel much more than unhappy people. The process of creating synergy and alignment may also imply organisational innovation, i.e. to change current roles and responsibilities of organisations involved. That will also contribute to more effectively working together, and consequently, will further boost the combined impact of their activities.
Finally, we believe that the work is best done by local intrinsic motivated people who are ready to think differently (stop the old routines that did not yield the desired impact; more details in our book) and make the change themselves.
Those aspects together will result in committed stakeholders to the restoration of the Earth in all its aspects.
Aligning of actions
Alignment and Synergy of actions towards a shared goal (designed early 1996 for a new project in West Africa; adapted).
To increase synergy and alignment of state and non-state actors in the realisation of integrated and sustainable development plans in Sub-Saharan African countries towards the restoration of the Earth in all its aspects.

Trimpact provides various services, including backstopping, workshops, and user licenses for the cloud-based Development Synergy and Alignment Tool (DevSAT, an internationally registered trademark) to inspire and support stakeholders to use their experiences and skills to create Triple-impact.
We expand our company as a network organisation with the growing demand through tailor-made preferably long-term projects (5-10 years) in which synergy and alignment, innovation, and targeted action to restore the Earth are crucial factors.
We, therefore, continue building a dynamic network organisation of equally committed people within organisations that have the same vision.
The direction of two persons has ample experience in the various work domains that comes with executing this strategy. The expertise includes aspects of applied research in developing countries, project proposal development and evaluation, development project management, and evaluation, facilitation of networks and workshops, and backstopping (guiding and coaching) people and organisations. That with a focus on inspiring them to go beyond the comfort zone to be able to create development, success and happiness from power within.

Since its inception, Trimpact has encouraged people to go beyond the obvious what they did for years and break with the habits because that will bring change. Moreover, to see themselves, not as implementers of project plans elaborated without local inputs in policymakers’ and donors’ offices, but as creators and facilitators of their future.

For more information, please contact us.
© 2015 - 2025 Trimpact B.V.   Bringing value to life
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