On-demand Workshop - Trimpact

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On-demand Workshops
Sometimes an out-of-the-ordinary or specific subject needs to be explained or further worked out in a workshop. Trimpact designs and delivers on-demand capacity-building workshops as part of our backstopping activities.
Trimpact workshop in Mali
Trimpact workshop in Mali
Moreover, Trimpact enjoys designing workshops in interaction with the client, especially if this goes hand in hand with alignment to restoring the Earth in all its aspects and contributes to increasing the impact of the work by the potential participants.
On-demand workshops typically have a theoretical and a practical part, work in subgroups to stimulate active participation of all participants and presentation of results in plenary.
Subjects for which Trimpact provided on-demand workshops included concept note writing and its oral presentation, peacekeeping and promotion in communes, and practical implications of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for mayors.
For more information about on-demand workshops, please get in touch with us.
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